det-digit harvestmen lab

the russian section

kolet020 made by Arina

dear arina,

sitting in my garden searching for the sun I saw your harvestman hanging in a tree.
I like it to play with her and when I give her a kiss, she hands me a freshly baked bread. she is a nice toy to play with, but I don't know if she likes it when I take her off the tree put her on a chair and play with her. will she disappear when I do so? can you tell me, is she a king a queen a boy or a cinderella?
and what kind of nut is a macadamia?

I see she don't need eyes arms or legs, but I hope she can move nevertheless.

it is a pity I can't talk to you in the russian language, but i hope you will find a way to understand my english words.
Please send me a mail and I will react on this webpage.

cu (see you) kolet01, a best friend of clarissa

mailto: clarissa

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a project of det-digit-arthouse